Enlightened Beginnings

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2021 Bill for Equitable Access to Birth Options & Midwifery Care

If you are a midwife, had a midwife, looking to have a midwife, or simply wish to support others in their birth choices then now’s your chance! Coming up in February House Bill 2388 will be up for debate. The point of this bill is to increase access to community birth attended by midwives and naturopathic doctors. It does this by ensuring access to insurance coverage for midwifery care and birth center fees.

This bill has a whole coalition of members in support, but we need you! Really. Seriously. This little piece of paper has the potential to make a world of difference for many families.

Imagine being forced to give birth in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people. The loneliness and fear you might feel, perhaps you leave with a bundle of joy and at the same time walk out with a whole lot of trauma to sort through. Now imagine putting the power back into that person’s hands. That’s what this bill is about.

How can you help?

  • Share, promote, scream at the hilltops! Let’s get people’s attention here folks.

  • Join us on February 22 & 23 for a virtual lobby day.

  • Write, call, or contact your representatives in support of this bill.

  • Reach out to Silke Akerson CPM for more ways to support silke@oregonmidwiferycouncil.org

Please use the following link to sign up. Once you are signed up we will be in touch as we formalize meeting times with legislators:


The bill is House Bill 2388, and you can read more about it here:


and here:
