Enlightened Beginnings

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Preparing for the Newborn

Here are some ideas for parents to do during pregnancy to be ready to parent and care for their newborn.

Recommended Newborn Supplies:

  1. Burp cloths

  2. Diapers & wipes

  3. Breast pump/bottles (if choosing to bottle feed)

    1. Check for local classes on newborn care and infant feeding.

  4. Bassinet/co-sleeper bed/Moses basket

  5. Baby clothing- sleepers, onesies, hats, mittens

  6. Car seat

  7. Muslin swaddle blankets

  8. Nose Frida/suction bulb

  9. Olive/coconut oil- for diaper changes and skincare

  10. Thermometer

  11. Tylenol/Ibuprofen

  12. Baby Carrier- learn about babywearing options

Decisions to Consider: 

  1. How would you like to diaper?- cloth, disposable, or mix of both.

    1. Consider diaper laundry services in your area. 

  2. What are your infant feeding preferences?- Breast/Chest feeding, formula, or mix of both.

  3. Where the baby will sleep initially?- With you, by themselves, mix of both.

    1. Consider co-sleeping safety.

  4. Who will be your baby’s pediatric provider?- find a care provider in the prenatal period.

  5. Consider childcare/daycare in the prenatal period if planning to return to work.

Optional but Recommended: 

  • Infant CPR/BLS class

  • Meal planning/meal train

  • Postpartum doula care



Jordan, R., Farley, C., & Grace, K. (2019). Prenatal and Postnatal Care: A Woman-Centered Approach (2nd ed). Wiley Blackwell. 

Whalley, J., Simkin, P., Keppler, A., & Durham, J., (2011). The Simple Guide to Having a Baby. Meadowbrook Press.