Warning Signs in Pregnancy

Call your midwife immediately if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms;

  • A headache that doesn’t go away, or gets worse.

    • Starts suddenly and causes severe pain. 

    • Doesn’t go away with water or medication.

  • Episodes of dizziness or fainting.

  • Fluid or blood leaking before the baby is born. 

    • Or filling more than one pad an hour after the baby is born. 

  • Thoughts of hurting yourself or baby. 

    • Feelings of hopelessness, extreme worry, overwhelming thoughts, or feeling out of touch with reality. 

  • Vision changes.

    • Bright spots, flashes, blind spots, or blurriness. 

  • Fever or temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher.

  • Trouble breathing or shortness of breath. 

    • Chest or throat may feel tight. 

    • Trouble catching your breath. 

  • Chest pain or a fast heartbeat. 

    • Tightness or pressure in the chest. 

  • Severe belly pain that doesn’t go away. 

    • Sharp, stabbing, or cramp-like sensation. 

  • Severe nausea and vomiting (not morning sickness). 

    • Unable to eat for 24 hours or drink for 8 hours.

  • Slowing or stopping the baby's movements.

  • Any swelling, redness, or pain in extremities.

  • Swelling of face or hands.

  • Overwhelming fatigue or exhaustion. 

    • Unable to complete daily tasks. 

  • Or any time you are worried or concerned about you or your baby’s wellbeing. 



ACOG. (2020). Urgent maternal warning signs. Retrieved from: https://safehealthcareforeverywoman.org/council/patient-safety-tools/urgent-maternal-signs/#link_acc-43-45-d 

Delaney, S. (2020, Mar 12). Warning signs in pregnancy. [webinar] Midwives College of Utah. Retrieved from: https://prezi.com/v/1n_pscl5efvc/mdwf-2010-warning-signs-in-pregnancy/