Preparing for Home Birth

Home Birth Supplies: 

We recommend gathering supplies by 36 weeks of pregnancy. Please keep your Birth Kit Supplies together and be sure that everyone knows where it is located. Be sure to ask your midwives what supplies they give to you and what you should buy on your own.

  • 6-12 old towels (you’ll need the larger amount if you plan to use a tub)

  • 6+ washcloths

  • 2 extra, washable blankets for your bed 

  • 2 extra fitted sheets- We recommend placing one fitted sheet on the bed, then a shower curtain, then a second fitted sheet. 

  • Clothes to labor in 

  • Clothes for after birth

  • Clothes for baby

  • 6-8 receiving blankets 

  • Baby wipes and diapers 

  • Large trash bags

  • Bottle of hydrogen peroxide 

  • Large maxi pads 

  • Maternity panties

  • Ziploc gallon freezer bags 

  • 2 baking sheets 

  • Disinfecting wipes

  • A strong flashlight

  • A few bowls or buckets (for the placenta, vomiting, and cool cloths)

  • Optional: frozen pads (padsicles), tea bags for bath after (or sitz bath herbs), camera, selection of music, candles, a birth ball, a crockpot (for warm washcloths).

Snack Ideas for Labor and Immediately Postpartum:

  • Frozen fruit- Grapes, oranges, melon, apples

  • Yogurt 

  • Cottage cheese 

  • Hot cereal 

  • Bone broth 

  • Eggs

  • Peanut butter 

  • Whole-grain crackers/ Toast

  • Electrolyte drinks or homemade Labor-Aid

  • Coconut water

  • Popsicles

  • Energy bars

  • Honey

Creating a Birth Space: 

  • Create a birth plan- Include plans for siblings and pets

  • Cleaning surfaces, and areas that are thought to possibly be labored in. 

  • Clean bathroom/toilet. 

  • Ensure that there is an extra pair of sheets to replace the used ones during labor. 

  • Candles (battery-powered preferred) and/or dim lights

  • Affirmations

Emergency plans: 

  • Make sure that there is a clear entrance and exit to the home.

  • Having a go-bag in case of hospital transfer (think about Covid-19 and restrictions that might apply). 

  • Child care for other children in the house. 

  • Ensure the car seat is properly secured. 




The Association of Ontario Midwives. (2020). Home Birth Supplies Checklist.


Horn A. Fathers and homebirth. Homebirth reference site. Available from: [last accessed 9 October 2018].