
What Do I Do With My Placenta?

What Do I Do With My Placenta?

Did you realize that in pregnancy you’re not just growing and developing a whole human being, but an additional organ too? Yep! The placenta. Long story short the placenta is pretty darn amazing. For nine months the placenta transports nutrients, oxygen, blood, and many other building blocks for baby’s development between mom and baby using the umbilical cord. When a baby’s birthday arrives their placenta comes along with them.

Save Our Midwives, Save the World

What’s the deal with delayed cord clamping? Why is it important? What are the risks of quick cord clamping? Ibu Robin Lim introduces the concept in this short 8-minute video that I’m sure you’ll love!

Ibu Robin Lim is the Founder of the Bumi Sahat Foundation and was named CNN's Hero of the Year in 2011. In her talk, she talks about the importance of midwiv...