
Save Our Midwives, Save the World

What’s the deal with delayed cord clamping? Why is it important? What are the risks of quick cord clamping? Ibu Robin Lim introduces the concept in this short 8-minute video that I’m sure you’ll love!

Ibu Robin Lim is the Founder of the Bumi Sahat Foundation and was named CNN's Hero of the Year in 2011. In her talk, she talks about the importance of midwiv...

Home Birth Supply Checklist

Birth at home can seem like a huge project. What do you need and what will the midwives bring? Often midwife already has a birth kit they use in their practice they may want you to purchase or that they provide for you. If not, don’t worry about being left in the dark! Here’s a checklist of supplies I would highly recommend for your home birth.